Phi Kappa Omega Co-Hosts Community Shred Day

Phi Kappa Omega Chapter joined the office of Chicago Alderman, Howard B. Brookins, Jr. for the 21st Ward’s Community Shred Day. Shred Day is a recurring event of 21st Ward that invites community members to dispose of documents with sensitive information- free of charge. With over 275 patrons served, the event was one of the largest the ward has held to date. Approximately 8400 pounds of paper was shredded.Always of “Service to All Mankind,” the women of Phi Kappa Omega organized paper for disposal and kept the line of waiting patrons orderly to ensure everyone was served. Due to the overwhelming community response, the 21st Ward plans to partner with Phi Kappa Omega again. The event served as Phi Kappa Omega’s kickoff for Target IV – Acts of Green Initiative – “Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.” Phylis Hammond leads the chapter’s Environmental Ownership Committee.


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