A Salute to the Harlem Renaissance

On February 21, 2019, Phi Kappa Omega Chapter coordinated a public event to salute and celebrate the rich era of the Harlem Renaissance. Target 4: The Arts! committee organized a display case at Evergreen Park Library with photos of significant figures from that era. The display includes authors, artists, musicians, dancers, actors, politicians, and iconic places, available for public viewing from February 21 to March 30, 2019. The unveiling of the display was preluded with a brief program. The program engaged the audience with a Harlem Renaissance Jeopardy game, a showing of iconic videos featuring Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers, a presentation of the trendsetters, a viewing of a Harlem Renaissance documentary, a reading excerpt from literary genius W.E.B. Dubois and a musical tribute performed by student Tyler Smith. A Salute to the Harlem Renaissance was organized by the Target 4: The Arts! Committee, led by committee chairman, Fannieleah Brown.


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